"Hearty and refined, and based on traditions handed down from generation to generation, the cuisine of the Corrèze conveys the full flavour of our land. Red and rosé vin de pays, vin paillé (literally "straw wine"), millassous de pommes de terre (a potato pie), stuffed ceps, farcidures (a type of potato and meat dumpling), tourtous (buckwheat pancakes) morel and chanterelle mushrooms, and truffles provide the perfect accompaniment to our delicious meats (Limousin beef red Label, milk-fed veal, Limousin lamb...) and freshwater fish, including trout, pike and pikeperch. Tasty fruit tarts such as flaugnard and clafoutis, and liqueurs made from walnuts, blueberries, raspberries etc provide the perfect climax to what can only be described as a perpetual gastronomic feast!