Le Perchoir

"Annonce d'un particulier"
4-bedroom country house in the city. In the heart of the Corrèze region, just 2 minutes from Brive, Le Perchoir is a family project: our grandfather's old house, transformed by our mother Dany into a holiday home for holidaymakers and teleworkers alike. Relax, breathe in the fresh Corrèze air, enjoy the calm of provincial life and all the treasures the region has to offer! During your stay, you'll be neighbors with Danielle and Jean-Luc, whose house is behind the perch on the same property. They'll be on hand to provide information and help if you need it. Magnum, the property dog, is sure to come and say "hello". He's an extremely friendly dog, but rather large, so we don't recommend staying at the perch if you have a phobia of dogs. ...
Capacitemaximum 8
Number of rooms 4
Surface 135
Prices Min. Max.
Week low season 1100 € -
Week medium season 1275 € -
Week high season 1720 € -
Week very high season 1950 € -
Weekend low season 550 € -
Weekend medium season 575 € -
Weekend high season 707 € -
Week-end very high season 975 € -
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