Corrèze is placed under the sign of the sweet chestnut tree. "The breadfruit tree" and its fruit assured during centuries the food and economic base of the inhabitants. From the beginning of the XVIIIth century, the sweet chestnut tree occupied 40 % of the lands of Limousin. Nowadays, we estimate the annual production of sweet chestnuts and chestnuts in the Corrèze at 1500 tons. Bourrue, Jalade, Grosse Rouge, Vire-Vent, Sauvage des Cars, Marigoule and Bouche de Bétizac varieties are used in local terrine and sausage recipes, as well as being an important ingredient in the Corrèze's delicious cakes and liqueurs.
To celebrate this fruit of wood, a award-winning sweet chestnut and horse chestnut fair is organized every year the 3rd weekend of October in Beynat.
Ecomusée de la Châtaigne : this eco-museum provides an overview of the history of the chestnut in the Corrèze and the Limousin, its nutritional qualities and the processes used to transform chestnuts into a variety of products (eg flour, jams etc). Open daily in July-August from 10am-1pm, as well as from 6-8pm. Open all year for groups (10-50 participants) except from October to November by prior arrangement. Free admission..
Ferme de Brossard
Patricia and Jean-Paul Tronche, 19190 Lanteuil
Tél. : 00 33 6 81 96 13 38 or 00 33 5 55 85 59 21