Location Gîtes de France "La Promesse"

"Annonce d'un particulier"
Located in a typical Correze village, not far from the Monts du Cantal, the large-capacity gîte "La Promesse" combines modernity with respect for Correze tradition. Eco-friendly gîte with heat pump for swimming pool, photovoltaic panels and water recuperator. Enclosed grounds. To enhance your stay, we've signed agreements with a number of partners offering reduced rates, including a horse-riding center and an association organizing sports and leisure activities, as well as catering services (wine shop, restaurant, artisanal producers) and cultural events.
Capacitemaximum 12
Number of rooms 5
Surface 109
Prices Min. Max.
Week low season 800 € -
Week medium season 1450 € -
Week high season 1800 € -
Week very high season 1960 € -
Cleaning 120 € -
Pets accepted
Accommodation and activities nearby
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