Atelier-Galerie Marie BAZIN

Painter and collagist Marie Bazin invites you to discover her unusual, colorful and unclassifiable world of canvases, collages, paper sculptures and more... escape for a visit, and who knows, you might just find your favorite...
An indomitable creator and jack-of-all-trades, the artist offers all her creations just across the street
(notebooks, placemats, postcards, tiles, unusual decorations, etc.).

Marie Bazin welcomes you all year round for courses and workshops on collage art: "COLLAGE... décollage!"
She also offers workshops and frescoes for schools
    • Tuesday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Friday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Saturday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Sunday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Tuesday from 09h30 at 12h00
    • Friday from 09h30 at 12h00
    • Saturday from 09h30 at 12h00
    • Tuesday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Friday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Saturday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Sunday from 09h30 at 12h30
    • Tuesday from 09h30 at 12h00
    • Friday from 09h30 at 12h00
    • Saturday from 09h30 at 12h00
En dehors de ces horaires, toute l'année sur rendez-vous au 06 37 09 96 59. Accueil de groupe possible sur rendez-vous.
Accommodation and activities nearby
See all the Arts et artisanats