Centre de vacances la Minoterie

La Minoterie vacation center is located in the commune of Le Lonzac, at the foot of the Massif des Monédières. It is located in a small but dynamic village of 800 inhabitants, 500 m from the center. La Minoterie is a comfortable vacation center, with different types of accommodation.

La Minoterie has a total of 111 beds in 9 "buildings", all set in a large, magnificent 1.5 ha park.
At the entrance to the vacation center, the former Minoterie* has been converted into 2 fully-equipped multi-purpose rooms/classrooms.

A main building comprising the refectory, kitchen and multi-purpose room faces this complex.

We appreciate its location in the Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches, its proximity to the Lac des Bariousses leisure park and the comfortable modularity of its accommodation.
    • Monday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Tuesday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Wednesday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Thursday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Friday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Saturday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
    • Sunday from 07h00 at 20h00 - from 07h00 at 20h00
Dortoirs 1
Total number of beds 90
Nombretotaldelogements 31
Pets accepted
Accommodation and activities nearby
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