"Annonce d'un particulier"
Charming stone cottage, completely restored in typical Correze style, located in the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches and the Monédières massif. Ideal for peaceful vacations, to recharge your batteries and enjoy nature to the full. The house is located in a quiet hamlet. Tourist attractions not to be missed during your stay: Château de Ventadour in Moustier-Ventadour. The Centre de découverte du Moyen-Âge in Égletons. The Maison du patrimoine in Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau. The Rochers Noirs Viaduct in Lapleau. Maison de la chasse et de la faune sauvage (Hunting and wildlife center) in Champagnac-la-Noaille. Château de Sédières, Clergoux. The President's Museum in Sarran. Pays d'Egletons church. The beach at Marcillac-la-Croisille. La Base CDNLPA, Sports Nature in Marcillac-la-Croisille (canoeing, sailing, archery, mountain biking, tree climbing). Horse-riding, go-karting, aqu
Capacitemaximum 4
Number of rooms 2
Surface 90
Prices Min. Max.
Week medium season 480 € -
Week high season 585 € -
Week very high season 615 € -
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