La Cabane d'EmmAxel

"Annonce d'un particulier"
La Cabane d'EmmAxel with private SPA is built on stilts, surrounded by trees, in the heart of the Causse corrézien, just a stone's throw from numerous tourist sites such as Rocamadour, Padirac, Sarlat, Lascaux, Turenne, Collonges la rouge, Le gouffre de la Fage, le lac du Causse... This pretty cabin with its private SPA is made entirely of wood, and has all the comforts you need for an excellent unusual stay in southern Corrèze. In the mornings, you can enjoy your breakfast on the lovely, well-exposed terrace.
Capacitemaximum 4
Number of rooms 2
Surface 30
Prices Min. Max.
Week low season 990 € -
Week medium season 990 € -
Week high season 990 € -
Week very high season 990 € -
Weekend low season 370 € -
Weekend medium season 370 € -
Cleaning 35 € -
Accommodation and activities nearby
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