La Vie Contée - Moulin à Huile de Noix

In 2018, the « Moulin de la Vie Contée » (the Oil Mill of « as is a Tale, so is Life ») welcomes you to discover how we press in our stone barn, typical from the « golden age of peasants » in Corrèze at the end of the 19th century, but also to wander around our orchards with their unique view over the castle of the ancient Viscounty of Turenne, the least one to join the French Kingdom in 1738.
To save the family farm by re-inventing it, Anne Jaubertie and Cyrille Abonnel founded the FIAT NUX Company late 2016. Until 2009, their parents were growing porks and veals produced from suckled calves typical from the Limousin Region, and harvesting “Périgord Walnuts” under DPO.
Anne and Cyrille focused on walnuts and oil. They acquired and reshaped a centenary oil mill during five years, to keep alive and radiate such a traditional know-how typical from the South-West gastronomy.
    • Monday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Tuesday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Wednesday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Thursday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Friday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Saturday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
    • Sunday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h30 at 18h00
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