Le Clos de l'Etang

"Annonce d'un particulier"
Ideally located in the countryside, in a peaceful setting yet close to all amenities: Carrefour contact, pharmacy, post office, hairdresser, gas station in the village 1.5 km away. Ideal starting point for numerous tourist visits: France's most beautiful villages (Collonges la Rouge, Turenne, Curemonte?), gardens (Jardins de Colette 5 km away, Les jardins de l'imaginaire in Terrasson?), castles (Hautefort, Segur le château?), as well as tourist sites (Rocamadour, Sarlat, Gouffre de Padirac, Les Pans de Travassac 5 km away?), near major prehistoric sites (Lascaux, Les Eyzies?), markets (Brive 10 km away?) to enjoy local produce. Within a 20 km radius, you'll find a wide range of possibilities for family sports vacations: hiking (Murel waterfalls, Gimel waterfalls, etc.), accrobranche (3 km), horse-riding center (5 km), swimming pool (10 km), etc.
Capacitemaximum 3
Number of rooms 1
Surface 50
Prices Min. Max.
Week low season 270 € -
Week medium season 320 € -
Week high season 370 € -
Week very high season 420 € -
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