Parc acrobatique dans les arbres Diège Aventures

A family course for all levels in a peaceful setting on the banks of the River Diège, 10 minutes from Ussel and Neuvic and 15 minutes from Meymac and Bort les Orgues. Monkey bridges, footbridges, nets and other zip lines will give you thrills in complete safety, thanks to the continuous lifeline that keeps you hooked in all circumstances.
Courses :
- Pitchoun's from age 3 for children under 1m10 (10 workshops 50 cm from the ground).
- Écureuil and Petit Lézard for 1m10 to 1m30 (14 workshops 1.50 m from the ground).
- Dingo, Zigoto and Tyro for children over 1m30 (23 workshops from 4 to 10 metres off the ground).

Closed shoes and gloves recommended. Cold drinks for sale. Picnic facilities by the river. Dry toilets on site.
    • Saturday from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Sunday from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Monday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Tuesday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Wednesday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Thursday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Friday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Saturday from 13h00 at 19h00
    • Sunday from 13h00 at 19h00
ouverture du parc accrobranche : vacances de printemps (zone A) 14h-18h 7J/7 + week-ends & jours fériés de mai, juin, septembre 14h-18h. Juillet/août 7J/7 13h-19h
Prices Min. Max.
Basic price 4 € 15 €
Accommodation and activities nearby
See all the Parcs de loisirs et parcours aventure